Foshay Fall Out

This shot is from Saturday at the Foshay Tower. This is the closest I will ever get to rooftop photography because this was pretty scary even with metal bars separating me and certain death:)

Alley with Many Hats

Heres another shot from the other night in Minneapolis! This alley is right across the street from First ave, I loved all the signs and worn out posters painted onto the building


Ultra Light Beam

This weekend I spent the night in Minneapolis  and went out and shot at night. Although very cold I stayed out in negative degrees for these shots. I will post more photos soon!

The Wine Thief on a Cold Day

Hey everyone! This blog is where I am going to be posting every once in a while about what I have been shooting. Since I live in Minnesota , it has been a little difficult to get out and shoot because of the cold weather.